Poultry Processing Equipment Rental
The Laetus Pullus Farm has a complete poultry processing equipment package that is available for rent. All of the equipment is transportable in a pickup bed or 8 foot trailer. Any or all of the items can be rented. The following is a list of all of the equipment availible:
Transportation Crates
Featherman Kill Cones with stand & trough
Featherman scalder with Roto-Dunker
Featherman Plucker (with foot pedal timer)
Processing Tables (standing height)
Processing water hoses for each person eviserating
Chill Tanks
Shrink Bags (for sale)
Rental Rates
$125 first day, $100 addition day(s) during same period.
$150 deposit, refunded when clean undamaged equipment is returned.
Coaching / Mentoring Rates
The Laetus Pullus Farm began raising poultry for egg and meat production in 2009 and has successfully raised and processed thousands of meat chickens and turkeys.
Farmer Rick will provide consultation in support of your small farm operations, specifically poultry production and processing.
Rate for consultation and/or processing is $1000 day, or $200 an hour.