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The Stone Family

Our Story

Laetus Pullus Farm started in 2009 when we decided to grow a large garden, purchase laying hens, and grow chickens for meat in order to know where our food was coming from. We feel that by eating off our land, we are eating more nutrient dense food than what is offered at the grocery store. We farm using organic practices and raise our chickens on pasture. Starting out, we raised just enough for the four of us but quickly learned that our friends and neighbors wanted farm fresh produce and meat too! So we now grow enough food to feed ourselves, preserve for winter, and extra for our customers. 

Your Farmers

Farmer Katy
 The chicken whisper
a.k.a. the “crazy chicken lady" and head gardener
Farmer Katy
 The chicken whisper
a.k.a. the “crazy chicken lady" and head gardener
Farmer Rick
The wood processor and fixer of all things
Farmer Rick
The wood processor and fixer of all things
Film creator and trend checker
Film creator and trend checker
Head Baker and tractor-trainee
Head Baker and tractor-trainee
Homegrown by Heroes

Certified as Homegrown by Heroes. 

       We have both served in the U.S. Army in the Aviation field. Rick is recently retired with 40 years of service serving part time in the Ohio and Michigan National Guard, full time Army Reserves, and full time Michigan National Guard. Katy served 4 years in the United States Army. 


      Homegrown by Heroes is the official farmer veteran branding program of America. This label serves to inform consumers that agricultural products donning the logo were produced by U.S military veterans.

Verified MAEAP

(Michigan Agriculture Environmental Assurance Program).

      We have volunteered to protect our environment and natural resources while working with the Shiawassee County Conservation District.


      As of 2020, we have committed our farmstead system, livestock system, forest, wetland & habitat, and cropping system to MAEAP standards.

We are:

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